Author: Roshan Sahi

Many roads have lead him to journey through this beautiful mystery of how libraries are indeed a living reality in the landscape! A nature enthusiast who has worked with pleasure across many age groups trying to bridge relationships of nature to culture.
A Library in My Pocket
Alt Shift Archives, Issue 1 - March 2017

A Library in My Pocket

A CONVERSATION ABOUT LIBRARIES... . . . we indeed become producers, inventors and adventurers of living stories through the multiplicity and vastness of environments we encounter in our everyday life! So indeed this then is the story we live through weaving and being stirred/moved between library spaces and the rest of the Universe. Hence our experiences of life can be enriched through libraries in the ways a library space can mirror the world. In this sense, I feel how we experience libraries can be synonymous to who we are as people; as a society and an individual, who can journey within surrounding landscapes and find wonderful adventures to live and love life to its fullest. And so the story begins . . . Living libraries are about spaces into which we, in the course of our every...