Author: Aarti Srinivasan

Aarti Srinivasan enjoys narrating stories to children and listening to theirs. She works with children in shelter homes and runs a tiny children's library in Mumbai. She feels that libraries for children must be a noisy place- a place where they can share and express their ideas freely and fearlessly.
<i>For the love of</i> <strong>Bookmarks!</strong>
Issue 5 – April 2018

For the love of Bookmarks!

A collaborative piece put together by book-crazy, bookmark-obsessed humans. Some see a train ticket, a reader sees a bookmark. If you love reading, you might agree that almost anything you look at can turn into something that sits between the pages of your book. Some might be bookmarks gifted by a loved one, some might be special because they are handmade, some that have travelled the world with you, some that are random objects you lay your hands on, and some clearly not objects because they come crawling towards your book. The video here has a collection of all these and more. And what strings it together, is a lovely French song by Carla Bruni, with its refrain ‘someone told me that you still love me’, that tries to capture a bookish-love triangle between books, bookmarks and the ...
Can You <strong>Snuggle </strong>up with <i>Your Kindle?</i>
Alt Shift, Issue 4 – January 2018

Can You Snuggle up with Your Kindle?

Young readers talk about Lane Smith's It's a Book.   It is a commonplace on the part of Generation Y to lament that kids just don’t read these days. Most of the blame coalesce into one giant finger that points accusingly at the internet and the many, many gadgets that enable young kids to gambol freely among digital terrains. It’s a troubling thought indeed that right now, there is a whole wave of children who are more at home with Twitter and Snapchat than Tinkle and Superman. It is precisely these concerns that Lane Smith’s excellent It’s a Book speaks to. A simple (and hugely fun!) back-and-forth between a curious jackass and a reader monkey forms the content of Smith’s book. Without giving away the ending, we’d just like to say that the conclusion of this brief story will warm al...
My Book Friend
Alt Shift Archives, Issue 1 - March 2017

My Book Friend

A few years back, in the most unusual place, I found a bookseller who did not just ​sell books. He shared stories from books ​that ​he sold with so much passion that I always ended up buying those​ books​. This video is my little gift to this Book Friend, who’s given me the joy of reading some of the best books ever written.