Issue 12 – February 2020

<i>Story as </i>“<strong>a weapon for survival</strong>”
Issue 12 – February 2020, Spotlight

Story as a weapon for survival

Image courtesy: Matilda, the protagonist and narrator of Lloyd Jones’ novel Mister Pip[i]  confides to the reader at the conclusion of the story, “Pip was my story, even if I was once a girl and my face black as the shining night”. She is referring to Pip, the hero of Charles Dickens’ classic, Great Expectations and also to the context when she first heard the story as a 13 year old pupil in a village school in a remote Pacific island off the coast of Papua New Guinea in the 1990s. The island which forms the historical backdrop of the fictional story of Mister Pip is torn apart by a brutal civil war and is under siege from the ruthless Government forces of the nearby mainland following a dispute over mining rights. There is a certain irony that the children of the island of ...
<strong>The Open Library</strong> <i>at Centre for Learning</i>
Issue 12 – February 2020, Spotlight

The Open Library at Centre for Learning

From the start, the library at Centre for Learning was visualised as a space of freedom, autonomy, relationship and responsibility. This approach is in harmony with the overall philosophy of the school but it seemed important to demonstrate this in multiple ways through the library space. The library is a space where ownership is equally shared by the students, the library educators and the teachers. Once that is clearly internalised, the consequent action is effortless and happens seamlessly. But channels of communication, listening, and relating play a crucial role in sustaining this spirit of an open library. An important experience for every child is the library project. This is usually in the last term which ensures there has been ongoing immersion in reading and library practices o...
<i>On Making an Emotional Map of </i><strong>Our Library</strong>
Issue 12 – February 2020, Spotlight

On Making an Emotional Map of Our Library

Recently a group of us- Tibetan Librarians from across India- wanted to explore how the library looks and feels to our students, using art as the medium. The idea was to make collaborative images that represented their emotions towards the school library space, and to reading there. Presented below are some pictures of the emotional maps from different groups of students who came together to do this activity, in response to the same common instructions. This is a detail from the map of the junior school library drawn by class VI and V students of TCV (Tibetan Children's Village) Bylakuppe,  where I am the Junior school librarian. I gave them the instructions and observed through the activity that the children's minds were full of imagination.     This piece was created b...
<i>The Preface to Issue 12: </i><strong>Libraries and Schools </strong>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

The Preface to Issue 12: Libraries and Schools

This issue of Torchlight: A Journal of Libraries and Bookish Love, explores the infrastructure- physical and emotional- that gives rise to school libraries, and what libraries can represent not just for educational spaces but also for a democracy. Between the conception and final publication of this issue, in a matter of months, the world around us has changed leaving our democracy transmogrified. The weeks leading up to this issue saw many acts of senseless violence including a library being attacked, tear-gassed and vandalised. However, these weeks have also seen libraries spontaneously spring up around us alongside roads, at bus stops and in bastis – we will read to resist. For this issue, the definition of a “library” extends from the brick and mortar of the physical building, to the ...
<strong>Exploring Partition in the </strong><i>Library</i>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

Exploring Partition in the Library

Foreword by the Editors For those of us who went to conventional schools that had library spaces, we may (often )think of the library as a place that perhaps smelt of old books, where the main activities involved being quiet, returning or borrowing a book and occasionally, if we were lucky, listening to a story read aloud. We feature this article in this issue for a few special reasons. Not only does it make us question our assumptions of what a school library should be like and what it should do, it also surprises us with its definition of a different kind of school. This study documents an intensive exploration of a difficult theme- that of India's Partition- by a Goa-based  library educator working with a small group of home-schooling/schooled students. It is a compelling account of wh...
<strong>Reinventing</strong><i> the School Library </i>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

Reinventing the School Library

“What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.” – Harold Howe A poster with this powerful quote adorns the bulletin board in the library at The Somaiya School (TSS), where I work. My journey as a Library Educator began in 2017. It was a new role, very different from teaching in a classroom. I was eager to dive into the job. My opinion of school libraries before this was heavily influenced by my own experience in school where books were stuffed inside cupboards; guarded under the watchful eye of the librarian behind the desk. We were allowed to issue books only during the weekly library period. As we picked an old magazine from a neglected pile, ‘pin drop’ silence prevailed. Library period became a time to catch up on incomplete work. Ultimately, the...
<strong>Teachers as Readers </strong><i>and its Ripple Effect!</i>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

Teachers as Readers and its Ripple Effect!

“When I started taking books into my classes, I realised my students made a note of it, went to the librarian and pestered her to give them the same book,” says Kaynat, a Primary English and Math teacher at Akshara High School.“I saw the effect it had on my students who wanted to be well-read and join conversations on whether they have read a certain book or not.” This article focuses on the impact books and a thoughtful school library programme can have on teachers, developing a teacher’s professional and personal capacities, and how it also deeply impacts the students of the school bringing about a reading culture for all. The Akshara context Akshara is a not-for-profit school, following the ICSE board. English, in most cases, is the third (if not fourth) language for our children a...
<strong>School-<i>wali</i> </strong><i>Library</i>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

School-wali Library

Reflecting on the theme for this edition, Libraries and Schools, the Torchlight editorial team felt that the act of listening (really listening) to the voices of primary users of the school library - its students - is a valuable part of library work. Now, we are delighted to share the experience of listening with you, through this audio piece which details the experiences of students from a government school in Delhi. The piece presents a range of reflections, responses and meanderings from interviews with students from classes 3 to 8, about their relationship with their school library and with library books. So settle into your seat and get your tiffin-box (and headphones) out, as you hear what Anisha, Yogit, Naved, Shivam, Sameer, Mayank, and Anshul have to say.   Interviews b...
<i> क्रांति के लिए </i>   <strong> किताबें</strong>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

क्रांति के लिए   किताबें

15 दिसंबर को जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया में सिटीजन अमेंडमेंट एक्ट (CAA) के खिलाफ शांतिपूर्ण विरोध करते छात्रों और शिक्षकों पर दिल्ली पुलिस ने डंडे बरसाए; पुलिस ने इस हिंसा के दौरान डॉ ज़ाकिर हुसैन लाइब्रेरी में भी उपद्रव मचाया । इस घटना  से उत्पन्न “रीड फॉर रिवोल्यूशन” एक शक्तिशाली अहिंसक विरोध है । पुलिस की बर्बरता ने नागरिकता संशोधन अधिनियम के खिलाफ चल रहे राष्ट्रव्यापी आंदोलन को एक नया प्रोत्साहन दिया । पूरे भारत में लोग बड़ी संख्या में CAA के खिलाफ अपनी असहमति व्यक्त करने के लिए इकट्ठा हो रहे हैं । यह क़ानून और इसके लागू होने का तरीका असंवैधानिक होने के साथ-साथ हमारे देश की धर्मनिरपेक्ष परंपरा पर भी सवाल उठाता है । जामिया के छात्रों का विरोध - जो पुलिस हिंसा के वक़्त उनके पुस्तकालय में हुए नुक्सान के बाद शुरू हुए - असंख्यक रूप लेता है । इसमें शामिल हैं गीत और कविता, भाषण, कैंडल मार्च और रीड ...
<strong>Mad, Bad and Wicked: </strong><i>Censorship in School Libraries and its Subversion</i>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

Mad, Bad and Wicked: Censorship in School Libraries and its Subversion

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single school in possession of a library must censor its collection. Or so we suspected. Schools are inevitably ideologically charged institutions that represent precise social and historical concerns of their times, and function with their own frameworks of disciplining/ shaping the cultural understanding of their students. It follows that certain texts would be considered inflammatory, unsuitable, or too dangerous for students (children) to read... texts that could turn them mad, bad or wicked! Along with the educators and administrators of these educational institutions, parents, peers, and even children themselves may participate in the act of censorship. It also follows that young readers would be keen to access forbidden texts and and f...
<i>On The</i> <strong>Same Page</strong>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

On The Same Page

From the Margins Being able to criss-cross the globe on the strength of the Internet has made it possible to engage with creative ideas, conversations, and experiences which otherwise would be beyond our reach—and at times, even beyond our imagination.  On The Same Page will bring to the reader of Torchlight, a combination of textual-audio-visual curated content, about and around libraries and bookish love. In a world beset with inequities, it’s not surprising that marginalised people are in the majority. Over the centuries, libraries have made available to marginalised populations what has been consistently denied to them: access, voice, and visibility. Together they lay the foundation for their empowerment. Here are some glimpses from across the world of what place libraries have in th...
Contribute to the next issue
Issue 10 – July 2019, Issue 11 – October 2019, Issue 12 – February 2020, Issue 2 - June 2017, Issue 3 - September 2017, Issue 4 – January 2018, Issue 5 – April 2018, Issue 6 – July 2018, Issue 7 – October 2018, Issue 8 – January 2019, Issue 9 – April 2019

Contribute to the next issue

Call for Contributions to Torchlight Issue 13, April 2020: Libraries, Reading and Resistance The year 2020 is seeing catastrophes unfold across the world- with violent political instability, economic collapse, and unprecedented environmental crises unfolding everywhere, while a new-media driven frenzy of dystopian narratives are shaping public discourse. Yet history has shown us- as much as contemporary times are doing- that libraries, books, and communities of story-tellers and story-keepers everywhere, have persisted in the face of dire odds to preserve alternative narratives – of solidarity, hopefulness, critical thought, emotional fulfilment - and resisted oppression in myriad ways. In this context, Torchlight: A Journal of Libraries and Bookish Love invites your contributions for ...
<strong>A Life-Story Through </strong><i>Libraries</i>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

A Life-Story Through Libraries

She sits at her desk— A thirty-year-old Sharing her love for books With a class full of students. She taps the Pen in her hand Between her teeth, Reminiscing. Recording… * Age: Five Lusaka. School. The one hour she loves— Library Hour! In a darkish corner Of the library, She curls up— Cat-like— Lost in her own world, Ignoring her classmates Who clearly don’t care To read. A pony-tail, shorts and tee, Knee-length socks and A pair of pink shoes Wander through a maze of books. In the yellow light, The stacks seem tall… intimidating, Like giant tomes against her Puny height. A tiny, unsure hand Picks a book. She buries herself— Like the bookworm-in-the-apple-artwork Splashed across the library wall— Into a beanbag on an Alphabet-mat, Immersed in a world of Very human animals. * Age: Te...
<i>Classrooms for</i><strong> Peace</strong>
Chiaroscuro, Issue 12 – February 2020

Classrooms for Peace

“Hindus got enraged and started the genocide of Muslims…Englishmen were the rulers and Hindus were the enemy,” reads one of the lines from a class 9&10 school textbook from Punjab, Pakistan (Subject: Urdu Grammar and Composition for the Academic Year 2012-2013). Another book from the same academic year, designed for a younger age group of class 5 states, “Hindus can never become the true friends of Muslims.”[1] Both of these textbooks are endorsed by the Pakistani government and distributed across public schools as well as many private low-income schools across the province. Textbooks from other provinces too often do not fare much better. Stories of one-sided violence of Hindus and Sikhs against Muslims at Partition are entrenched in the literature and reinforced in classroom setting...