Author: Samina Mishra and Alia Sinha

Thinking Otherwise: A conversation about a book and library evangelists
Axis, Issue 1 - March 2017

Thinking Otherwise: A conversation about a book and library evangelists

It is a winter evening in Delhi and the warm lights and cosy atmosphere of Café Turtle are an appropriate setting for a conversation about bookish love. Usha Mukunda and Sujata Noronha are self-described “almost library evangelists”, women who love stories, books and libraries, and are deeply committed to passing that love on to children. As someone who also shares that love, I feel privileged in sharing this moment with them, reflecting on people and books that can change lives. And so, they tell me about Miss Moore. In the second decade of the twenty-first century, I listen to Usha and Sujata tell me about their encounter with this book, 'Miss Moore Thought Otherwise.' I listen and I think of this history and the contributions of those who came before us – the storytellers, the ac...